How do i use the amplify feature? do i checkmark the "hide cdr media" then run clonecd? Because there's no option within clonecd that allow you to turn on amplify weak on or off.woody said:The settings for 98 and ME are in this thread.Yes your writer should work fine if it is supported by Clone cd.
Thankx..I got it now.LOURS said:Hello everyone !
I live in France & when I wanted to install CloneCD under Win2000, it tells me that I can't have the amplify weak option !
Is it normal ?
Thanks for your help.
woody said:Boofo..I'm not sure why reading raw+96bytes isn't listed on the Clone site.It is my understanding that this writer will read and write just about everything.It cannot write Safedisc2(like many others).It should however,write Sd2 now with this newest Clone Cd release.Woody,
Thanks for getting back to me on this so quickly. Can you tell me if there is a program of some sort out there that can read a disc (like a protected one) and tell you what protection scheme it is doing?
Try a read with Clone enabling read subchannel data.If you don't get an error it should be fine for the full 96bytes read.Hope that helps.Do I have to have a special CD of any kind to do this? I have Black and White, will that work? And is it protected, do you know?
I always use the Protcd option in CloneCD wheh I record a game or something. It has all the settings already to go in it and I have never had any problems doing it that way.
I will try the read and let you know what I find out. Thanks again.
By the way, you said most recorders won't write Safedisc2 like alot of others. Is that because Safedisc2 is so new or is it something wrong with drives like mine?