I've been particularly interested in hard drives since my Priam 60MB RLL that I bought with my first PC which was an AT 286-10...
I used to read the Fidonet hd conference on a daily basis when Randy van de Loo was the moderator and was a hd tech involved in repairing and data retrieval. Over the past three years or so I go to "storagereview.com" for my information on hds. The have around 150 hds tested with a pretty good database allowing one to compare different drives under different benchmarks. What is nice about it is that they are all tested under the same conditions which makes the test results pretty representative. It also has pretty good forums for hd related topics. Too bad they suffered a crash some time ago as they had very valuable info, from the forums, lost at that time.
Each manufacturer has known a bad run of drives at one time or another. IBM really blew it with its GXP series starting with the 75 and it is unfortunate as their reputation was better than the other manufacturers. What I did not appreciate, as well as others, is that IBM has not publicly recognized the fact there was something seriously wrong with those drives. WD was pretty open about a similar incident that happened to them a few years ago and consider it is a better attitude. Of course, IBM has never been used to deal with home users and only knows how to communicate with a Fortune 500 customer. I am afraid this will always be true for them.