Back online !

Welcome back! - this place is like an old friend.

The fact that the fan in my PSU jammed and took me off line for a coupe of days as well - I thought I'd missed some dread announcement!

What to do?
If it's a problem that could be resolved by a power cycle, a small spare machine running a watchdog task and a power relay might help!
Other Forums just don't *feel* the same!!!!

You can browse and munch at this forum for a good while..

Welcome Back.

I'm glad we're all back. When I couldn't get to the forum I thought something was wrong with my puter. I was about to go at it with a hammer, lol.
What about a silver collection ?

You make an post on this, it is volunteer, everyone who wants, can put money on a bank account you set up. And it is up to all of us how much to give, to make a more stable server....

5 dollar from 3000 members is 15000 $...
Glad all is OK again. Must say I was quite worried after some time.
But such things happens in live...:)

Take Care N.B!!

There are a couple of other good forums mind you. This is undoubtably the best, but Dividezero's and the CDRTimes forum's good, as is the CDRLabs. Particularly if you are wanting performance tests and reviews on CDR writers.

But there is only one CDRSoft forum, and thats for sure ! ;)
:D Good to see things up and running again:D appreciate all the hard work peeps put into this forum to keep it going ;)

Thanks god over forum is back I though some thing was wrong with my isp or cable net guy I was scolding him that his main server was problem and even made him reinstall his solaries os
any way now every thing is ok keeeep it up good work
roadworker said:
DiViDeZeRo's forum is great...:)
About burner reviews,I think that Cdrinfo gives much more details about copyprotection defeating abilities of a drive than Cdrlabs.....Seems like Ian is afraid to spread that kind of info....;)
I am courius. What is DiViDeZeRo's forum URL? I used to go there before, but long time ago. I have lost the link.
