Back online !

I couldn't resist shouting when the forum came on instead of 404!
I was real worried about the outcome after 3 days of deprivation and trying 4 and 5 times a day...

So glad it's back to normal again!

I'm also very glad to be here again, but I have to say that I would like to see to many people at the cdrsoft chat room like when the forum was down, just to ask why and then leave. I think that was the only good thing, I mean people remembered here is a chat, but dont understand why if there are 31.000 users only a few people use it.

Since my whole life is organized around my dozen daily visits of this forum, I really felt that I had nothing do to last week, all I did was sitting around unhappy and retrying to reach this forum.

THANKS, N.B., for giving my life a sense again.

Jezz! Don't know how worried I have been this week...
And what a way for starting the day! Seeing a post in my email inbox from the forum!!
This place has became a very important part of my internet habits, I am so F_NG happy that its back!!!!!
Good work N.B. and all the others.
Its good if the IRC has been running while the downtime. I will remember it if there is a next time, that I hope will never be.

I am quite sure to speak for all of us and say we are all more than pleased to see our forum online again!



Glad you are OK N.B.

Phew, we were all a bit worried about you m8 this week!

Thought you might have had a knock on your door. ;)

Glad you are OK and the site is back up, you must start to think about upgrading that P160 now m8! :D :p :D
Phew... what a relief - i was ecstatic when I clicked on my Favourites this morning and was able to get back on the forum. I was beginning to get serious withdrawal symptoms! A lot of guys on here have said that it's become part of their daily lives... mine too, it's THE best forum I've ever been a member of :D I would like to send my gratitude to N.B and all others involved in getting the forum back online.
Everyone is so spot on about that last few days. Been pretty worried and hoping that clicking on my bookmark would bring up tha hallowed blue forum, and today, it did!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thanks onto N.B.
HOORAH ! Back ! I had to amuse myself ranting on political and football forums to pass the time until THE forum was back ! :D :D
I was completely disconsolate, hitting the favourites button every couple of hours and then shrinking from the blank screen like a seven-year old refusing to acknowledge the news of a dead puppy.

Cheers N.B. -- it's great that the old crowd are back online!