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  1. D

    Playing AVI's with DVD Player...

    Hi, I was just wondering why some AVI files don't work on my DiVX compatible DVD HOME player. EX: If I download an AVI the 350meg files play fine but the 700meg files never work. Is there an easy fix to make it work WITHOUT converting it? Thanks in advance
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    What Slows Windows Down?

    Results and Conclusion Very interessting read! Regards,
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    NEC 3520A OEM experiences...

    My thoughts on the NEC 3520A OEM Burner. I got this burner about a week ago and these are my thoughts regarding this burner. I'll keep this short... I first installed this burner to replace my Pioneer A05. It's set on master with a Lite-on DVD ROM as Slave. After my first original firmware burn...
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    How long is Temporary?

    How long does "temporary" last? According to the dictionary: TEMPORARY: Dictionary Entry and Meaning Pronunciation: 'tempu`reree Matching Terms: temporarily, temporariness, temporary expedient, temporary hookup, temporary injunction, Temporary relief, temporary removal, Temporary...
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    Alcohol 120% and CloneCD &PS2...

    Just thought I'd share an experience that I had using both programs (Alcohol vs. CloneCD) I just bought (for my son) an old PS2 CD based game. (Midnight Club, street racing). While I'm an Alcohol 120% user, I could NOT get this freakin game to work after I copied it! I used the PS2 datatype in...
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    Site comments - DVD Decrypter

    psxpaul, I went to your site...very nice. Was just wondering...I have copied all my DVD based games on PS2 with DVDDecrypter and they work flawlessly. I'm just letting you know cause there's no mention on your site to use DVDDecrypter. Regards, EDIT by psx_paul - original thread split and...
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    A Bit confused ATV2 and Alcohol

    I'm atempting to backup my ATV2 (cool game BTW) PS2 game...BUT I cannot select the PS2 Datatype when trying to image the Disc. In fact I cannot select ANY datatype. What's wrong Many thanks in advance
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    Double clicking a foldwer help...

    Hello again... I'm really embarassed to ask this but I have searched everywhere and cannot find the solution to my problem. When I double click any folder a search window pops up! I have no idea why it does this all of a sudden! I have searched the folder options and cannot get rid of this...
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    Burnatonce error message...please help

    I succesfully burned a DataCD yesterday...without any problems at all. So I uninstalled Nero Today I tried burnign another DATACD with this error message: Cdrdao version 1.1.7 - (C) Andreas Mueller <> SCSI interface library - (C) Joerg Schilling Paranoia DAE library -...
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    2 bootable XP problem....

    Please help me .... I have recently formatted a friends harddisk using my computer. I removed my D: hardrive and pluged his in....formated using XP disc...made sure it was is! Now put my 2nd hardisc back in and when i boot up it now gives me 2 options of booting...but they're both...