Double clicking a foldwer help...

Hello again...

I'm really embarassed to ask this but I have searched everywhere and cannot find the solution to my problem.

When I double click any folder a search window pops up! I have no idea why it does this all of a sudden! I have searched the folder options and cannot get rid of this search feature!

If I right click the folder...the first option it displays is search! I have to scroll down to open all the time! Man is this ever anoying!

Please if anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated...thanks in advance

I'm using WindowsXP

yeah The-poacher...i hate when that happens...they come here to ask for help...but when they find a solution..they don't have the courtesy to help others with by posting their solution
I'm soo sorry...

First of all, I must apologize...I never thought soemone would have this problem...
second: I should've still posted the solution...I'm soory again for not doing so!

Here's a copy and paste:
folder_open.vbs- Fixes the problem where Search or Command Prompt opens when double clicking a folder
© Doug Knox - rev 02/09/2002
This code may be freely distributed/modified.

Occasionally the Registry entry for File Folders (Directories) gets corrupted. One effect of this can be that Search or a Command Prompt opens when you double click on a folder in Explorer, rather than the folder opening. This VB Script will make the necessary change to the system Registry to correct this.

Usage: Download folder_open.vbs and save this file to your hard drive. Navigate to where you saved it and double click the file. A confirmation dialog will appear when finished. This script can be viewed in Notepad or any text editor, as to the specific Registry key and value that are updated.

I'd put up the website but am affraid of breaking the rules.
It's a .vbs script and it works great.


PS. jroc, I totally understand your intentions!!! and that was to make me feel like an ass! I just want you to know that you've succeded and hope it makes you feel better! On the other hand my intentions was NOT to insult or hurt anyone at all. I never thought someone would benefit from my problem (This seems to be a mistake from my part) I said "I have searched everywhere and cannot find the solution to my problem." Have a nice day.
Hey DD51...that was not my intention....and hope you will accept my apologies if I made you feel that way....Believe are not unique to Windows Problems...I don't feel that one person can be so lucky to have the one and only problem of any nature...but thanks for sharing...many of us take these solutions and save them....ive even dig down deep for solutions to help someone overcome a Microsoft Nightmare....Thanks for sharing.....I don't think its a problem to post the link....just don't make it a direct use h**p://xxx.xxxxxxx .....its not a warez program anyways....Again my apologies
DD51 said:

© Doug Knox - rev 02/09/2002
>>>>>>This code may be freely distributed/modified. <<<<<<

The part marked >>> <<< by me here DD51 says its ok to use freely by the author so please feel free to add the link to the page to download this fix :)..... so long as the rest of the page does not contain warez or pirated software then this will be fine no edits of links necessary now as we are warez free so the links are also warez free :)

All we ask is for forum members is to NOT link directly to the files themselves !! :) as this gives other members the change to view the programmer/creators web page and possibly get more interesting things from them :)

"DD51" thanks again for providing valuable information for other forum users benefits :D

No doubt they will post here and thank you personally as you not the only one that experiences the same/similar problems!! :)

You guys are soo kind...thanks all. problem! Thanks for apologizing. It is greatly appreciated (Thank you).

I'm sorry again...I should've known better...
Anyways here's the site where i found my solution:
h**p:// <---I have scrolled around this site and do not see any warez...I hope it's ok!

Again thank you all...what a great place!

If this can help someone...I'll feel good about it! This place has helped me soo much in the past that I'm more than happy to help someone else.

Sincere regards,