LTR, it waws the nurse who understood me, even with my mouth all full of gauze!
Banzi, I am taking pain pills today. That's OK. I need the sleep.
Banzi, I am taking pain pills today. That's OK. I need the sleep.
so be careful, don't smile with open lips now; it will banish all admirers;janiedriver said:... She stirs her drink with her index finger, and then provocatively places the finger in her mouth. Mmmmmm...just right.
LOLI got my CD burner working well by using the program that came with the machine. I just used the Nero to edit the music. Now I'll have to see what else this thing will do. I know it came with some photo editing stuff I've never seen before.
This means now you can burn with Nero?janiedriver said:But I DID figure it out myself!!
Not sure why my email didn't notify me of replies; I bet you thought "uh-oh, I must have offended him by asking about his age" LoLjaniedriver said:No relation, Wedge, at least not that we know of. Can I ask your age?
Howdy El-poacher, it's been a long time. Hope things are well with you.The-poacher said:Wedge Welcome back <> Dont be a stranger !!![]()
Hi Banzibanzibaby said:Hi & Welcome back kibaima & Wedge
Hope U have a nice reunion Janie, i spent all day yesterday formattin PC & settin XP & stuff back up lol, what a exciting life i lead...NOT!!
Duracell said:don't forget starting to learn indian languages; it's strongly needed for support phone calls;
Hi Wedge,Wedge said:%3a-30561%3a-33484%3a-38183%3a859595&fid=P40]Razorbacks jacket[/URL]
Just curious since you live there: are you razorbacks fan?