Micosoft Office XP SP2

I have the same problem as Oldy. After slipstreaming, using a new key from the keygen, I now need to activate OfficeXP.
I will try to get the mso.dll file from my original CD.
Or is anyone experiencing the same problem? Any other solutions?
I remember somebody in this forum said that with some minor patches, the bluelist keygen can also create Office XP Corp keys.. ANy truth to that? If not true, would somebody share their corp keys?
Some experience with Office XP

1.I know some friends who have downloaded Office XP Pro and they have found the big cabinet file with hidden file proprieties same as autorun.inf even the last is not impoertant.
This is why they,not knowing about the hidden proprieties,could not make any update.
This info serve to others if in same position.I just want to help if somebody didn't notice that.
2.Now something happend to me:I have slipstreamd my original to SP2 without any problem.
When I click to activate everything is OK.But when I go to winXP System info,under Office10,it tells me for each part of Office that has been never run.Strange.
How can I fix this?
Thank you.
After locating the setup.exe form the office xp professional cd i get the following message "creation of administrative installation images is supported only in enterprise versions of office xp." I have the original office xp professional cd. Anything wrong with the procedure?
infini said:
After locating the setup.exe form the office xp professional cd i get the following message "creation of administrative installation images is supported only in enterprise versions of office xp." I have the original office xp professional cd. Anything wrong with the procedure?
You write it yourself infini. You've got Office XP professional, not Office XP professional Corporate (read Enterprise) Edition.

You got to get your hands on the Corporate edition. Or try it with the original MSO.DLL from the untouched Office XP CD.

Hope I'm not writing some nonsence here. :p
Non english Office XP

Has anyone tried to slipstream original OfficeXP that is in another language (v. g. portuguese) with the SP2 Admin. which is only in english?
What were the results?
Does it work?


Try adding these to your SP2 Office XP CD; they are the Corp files that pre-key the cd so no key is needed...

sorry, removed the attachment; could be w@rz, so removed before a mod took out the thread

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Newbie..needs help

Hi Guys..I tyhink this site is fascinating. I have Office Xp Standard for students and teachers. Is there a way I can activate this on a second machine? Thanks for any help.
Re: Non english Office XP

nunomad said:
Has anyone tried to slipstream original OfficeXP that is in another language (v. g. portuguese) with the SP2 Admin. which is only in english?
What were the results?
Does it work?


i did it and it works fine
There are localised version of OfficeXP SP-2 admin. I have the german one and slipstreamed it successfully. I am sure there is a spanisch/portugese version too, could not find it right now...
I don't understand spanish ;)
Please help.

I have sleapstreamed my Office XP with Frontpage (portuguese) exactly as described in this thread (thanks dinism).
But I come up with a serious problem: I begin with a 429 MB cd and end with a c:\Office directory with 706 MB which I can't burn because of it's size.

I have deleted the following files from c:\office:

and copied from the cd to c:\office the following directories:

ORK, SharePt e MSDE2000.

Has this happened to anyone?
How can I reduce it's size?


You can burn easily 706 MB on 80 minutes/700 MB disk by using Discjuggler and activating the "30 seconds leadout" option.
It may (or may not) work with other programs and overburning activated- depends on the media used.
hi, I just have downloadet the new sp3 for Office xp and wanted to slipstream i like the 2 service packs before, but it doesn't work because the sp3.log file is missing. can anyone tell me please, how I can get it or what I'm doing wrong?