Micosoft Office XP SP2

Updated OfficeXp prof + front page (FM9y-TMF........-TBBBG) with both SP1 and SP2.....burnt to cdr ...no problems...it's still activated and of course no cdkey required to install :)
can someone please give details instruction on sliptream sp2 to the Office XP? I still got the original with no sp1 slipstreamed. Do I download the SP2 admin pack or what? Thnx.
First download sp1 (admin) and sp2 (admin).
There seems to be a little confusion as to whether sp2 is cumulative or not,
so the best way to go is first slipstream sp1 then sp2.
Instructions is as follows.

To make an admin install point, put ur office cd (clean, without sp1 slipstreamed) in ur cd drive & run the following command

x:\setup.exe /a (where x is ur cd drive)

Follow the instructions (install in c:eek:ffice for convenience and ease concerning the following commands)

Extract sp1 to c:eek:ffice

To update office, run the command.

msiexec /p c:\office\MAINSP1_Admin.msp /a c:\office\proplus.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb /L* c:\office\sp1Log.log

When its done run this command to update ur webcomponents.

msiexec /p c:\office\OWC10SP1_Admin.msp /a c:\office
\owc10.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb /L* c:\office\owc10.log

Extract sp2 to c:eek:ffice

Run the command

msiexec /p c:\office\MAINSP2ff.msp /a c:\office\proplus.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb /L* c:\office\sp2Log.log

Again, to update office

To update ur webcomponents, run the command.

msiexec /p c:\office\MAINSP2ff.msp /a c:\office\proplus.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb /L* c:\office\sp2Log.log

To update an already installed version.

msiexec /i c:\office\proplus.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus (office)

msiexec /i c:\office\owc10.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus (webcomponents)

If no preinstallation just run setup exe.

Ur done.
If u like u can delete the service pack files, and of course burn ur slipstreamed admin install to cd. Just remember to keep ur "original" cd, for later slipstreaming etc.
Hope I haven’t missed anything.
Good luck:)
Credit to fortitude, kuratong, php, shezzy2k and the others for this info.
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I have a version of OfficeXP on a CD burnt from an ISO that has already SP1 installed and doesn't ask for a serial. When i install SP1, it says the update isn't needed (obvious, but it's better to check) but when i install SP2 it gives me an error "incorrect file" or something like that. Is it due to the key (that i don't even know) or what? what do you reccon i should do.
U cannot make an admin install point with sp1 already installed (at least I couldn`t).
This is why it`s important to keep the original cd;)
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thanx bionic for writing that long instruction.

DxKim did u follow bionic's way to get your sliptreamed? If so, did u skip the sp1 admin and go straight to the sp2 admin?
It's funny... they've released a service pack that I didn't even know about before a service pack which I've not only known about for a few months, but have been eagerly anticipating the final realese! Maybe this'll speed things up! :)
XP Retail Professional

I have the retail version of XP - the one that requires a Serial and Activation - I'm sure most of you haven't ever seen that one before and use a "cheaper" version found on the net ;)

To get round the Activation I used the Universal Activator.

I installed SP2 Admin no problem but the f*cking thing wanted me to reactivate - luckily I'd kept a copy of the MSO.DLL file and that solved the issue :)

If you use the same version as me - make sure you keep a copy of MSO.DLL before you apply the patch or you won't bve able to reactivate it.

I'm not going to even bother tryign to slipstream my CD - too many headaches ;)

I, too, have the "upgradable" Office XP Pro. I installed SP1 a while ago and all is OK. So, I tried to upgrade to SP2 and it too is OK.

So, my question is...will this stop working? I used the key most others have for an ISO called Office XP Pro with FrontPage, and it required NO activation. SP1 installed fine a few months ago and SP2 went on fine. Perhaps they will then not let me get SP3?

TIA...just trying to figure out what all the discussion is about...what am I missing here?
Office XP SP2 Slipstreamer v.2

hi, m8s

look like this can be useful to us ....

"Office XP SP2 Slipstreamer v.2

This program will slipstream Office XP and SP2 together if you dont want to have to install SP2 seperately. It will also save you having to re-enter your CD KEY each time you install.

You will need an Office XP CD to use this or the setup files on HD. You CANNOT use a slipstreamed Office SP1 CD.

Read more..

The administrative version of Office XP SP2 update is needed. Click the link on the program to download it.

A new folder will be created from where you can install Office XP and SP2 together or you can burn a CD from it.

Run the program and it will guide you through the whole process.

Note : NOTE: If you get an error about a missing COMDLG32.OCX file, run the 'runonce.bat' to fix it."



Can somebody tell me more about it.
N.B.I have the OffXP Pro already with SP1 but never heard of "slipstreamed"Office.
Maybe I was too drunk then. he he he.
About Slipstreamer

I can see where is what,but I have asked what the hell means and do this Slipstreamer.What is his purpose?
Thank you.
ive, slipstreaming is necessary due to a bug in ms office xp, which prevents some people from updating their office installs, even if they got a legal serial. originally, however, admin installs were intended for administrators, who have to install the programme in big firms. nobody has enough time to activate and update every single installation on thousands of computers. therefore, corporate editions of office were released, which don't require activation, and that's also the reason why slipstreaming exists. all that the admin has to do now is to install the programme. no activation or updates are necessary
i have just used CSKs proggie that he posted. works great!

ok, i checked the entire thread to be sure. how does one burn the files to a cdr? i mean, anything special i have to do? it looks like the autorun.inf will allow it to autorun just fine on a data cdr. am i wrong?!

thanks for the prog CSK and advice from everybody! very nice thread. :)

have a blessed day :)
Thanks for all the info on slipstreaming Office xp. Never could have done it with out all the help. Worked great!