Major Probs with new Liteon DVD Writer


Gold Member can try a differnet software for burning now.....or try roady´s ide-controller trick :D

to be honest..i still don´t believe that this will help but who knows :rolleyes:
ok will need to log off then shut down and re plug in other cd writer cause dvd one wont run much. back asap
and i really appreciate your help :)
Also,please remove the via drivers again now that the dvdwriter is connected alone...

@Master:good for you that your Via busmaster drivers don't cause problems,but I had to remove them from a rig that had a VIA KT600 chipset before my friend could burn with his dvdwriter.
Same problem with my nephew's system:a 1400 mhz AMD with Via chipset kept his Nero 5.5 crashing....replaced the busmaster drivers and he's a happy burner now for more than 2 years...;)

My personal opinion is that AMD systems don't like other ide drivers than windows native ones.....too many people that have probs,be it with VIA or nForce ide drivers..


Gold Member
Maybe scarecrow will describe you now how you can disable the internal xp burning engine (imapi)

I have a german version and it´s a littlebit difficult for me to describe it to you.
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Gold Member
roadworker said:
My personal opinion is that AMD systems don't like other ide drivers than windows native ones.....too many people that have probs,be it with VIA or nForce ide drivers..
maybe you are right but i have two amd system which are running fine with the via drivers

asrock 266 chipset with an XP2200

gigabyte 400 chipset with an Xp3000

maybe i have some luck ;)
no joy. got the drivers changed, rebooted, tried to burn on nero again. couldnt get my other burning software going for some reason, wouldnt install (???) but anyway, log file attached to this message


i tried a couple of vid clips. dvd rom iso or somthing? only 1 part nero installed at the mo but had tried with fully working version earlier tongiht. i was trying to only have 1 version of a burning software on at the one time but the sonic one didnt even work and wont install fully. i think my puters gonna have flying lessons soon lol.
I have downloaded the zip for the new firmware. b4 i run it, am i right in thinking i need to chenge the settings to PIO thru the device manager? im not clear on what firmware is but ill try it out anyway.
i dont know what u mean about if you dont wanna flash etc.
last night was on to a mate who builds up pcs and he rekoned a wire was missing. I have 2 cables on the back of the dvd writer (flat grey and the bundle of 8 in one on clear plug). there isnt a long thin grey one from the dvd drive but there is on the cd drive. ???????
GroovyLoopyLou said:
there isnt a long thin grey one from the dvd drive but there is on the cd drive. ???????

That's an audio cable...not really necessary for that drive,since there's already 1 connected to your audiocard/audiochip.

And yes,you can change to PIO @ device manager-->ide ata/atapi controllers-->secondary ide channel-->properties-->advanced settings.
standard dual is the one its set to and i didnt have any antivirus installed on pc when i did it, i have just this min installed nortons.
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OK...connect the dvdwriter as slave on the ide connection where your harddisk is master and try again.....this means that you have to set the jumper on the back of your dvdwriter in the middle of the 3 pairs of pins....for now,I assume the jumper is on the right side as master.
Be shure that the end of the harddisk's flat grey cable still is connected to the harddisk,and that the middle connector is attached to your dvdwriter.....:)