aybesea said:I have the latest 0229 firmware. PM me with an e-mail address and I'll send it to you.
The Liteon site is back up and I have downloaded the firmware from there. I apperciate your offer and thank-you. This forum is the absoulte best on the web and it is all the great people that participate that makes it this way.
I have had a little time to play with this toy and must admit to being quite impressed. It does have some issues with divx3 but has played the 4 dvd's that gave my other dvd players problems with glitches, without a single hickup. Also, every mpeg and mp3 file I have tried has played flawlessly. The menu that allowes access to region settings and macro-vsn control works fine with new the firmware.
I purchased mine from here: http://www.mypcgoodies.com/mypcg/details.asp?item=LT334001R for $139.00