Duracell said:
you have to tell us what motherboard and additional devices you have set up; otherwise our advices are a fight against windmills;
And was it a completed bought PC or did you prepare the PC yourself? [/B]
ok, master worked with me earlier on icq and figured out something
V6FP/V6FU is the motherboard
this computer was built by my consultant; basically, i had a sony vaio with 1ghz pentium chip and it worked great; it had 512 mb ram (2 256 chips); it had 2 HD in there, and I wanted to install a 3rd hd that's 160 gig BUT the case was too small to fit all that in, so my consultant convinced me that i could/should get a faster chip (athlon 2400) and a bigger computer case which can house many more things than the current one.
So now, I have bought a new 2400 athlon processor, and of course a new mobo, make the new and faster 160 gig HD the primary drive, transfer the 512 RAM and the other 2 HD from the sony vaio over.
And she originally connected the 160 hd to the mobo directly, but it couldn 't see the full 160 gig, so she reconnected the hd to the pci card (or whatever card that came along with the maxtor HD) and now i could see the full 160 gig. BUT the computer only sees 256 mb of RAM now instead of the full 512.
Plus, the sound has been acting funky ever since this computer was built; we tested it with different speakers and still the same problem; i bought a new separate soundcard and still have the same problem.
And in the last few days, my computer has been BSOD left and right at least 6-7 times a day!!!!!
My consultant is coming over in a little bit to try to figure it out; may be it's the wrong wiring of some sort; she thinks the irq is kinda out of whack because the irq # for sound has some other process occupying it too.
So that's the whole story!