Spyro 3 The Year of the Dragon

Hi. This is my first time in this forum. It looks great!

Has anyone ever been able to back up the Spyro 3 PS2 game? I've tried to do a 1:1 copy with CloneCD, no good. I've tried CDRWIN and patched the .bin file. No good. Just wondered if I should give up????


aka Gaming Mom:D

P.S. Using PioneerAO5 w/ WinXP. PS2 has DVDAuto Play chip.
Thanks! I did use px_paul's tutorials. They don't seem to work for this specific game because I don't have a stealth mod chip (?). I just wondered if anyone else had any luck or other suggestions.

Thanks for the welcome!
Well If you want to play backuped games you need this chip. There is no way how to do it without it (or I don't know about this way :))
I'm a little confused. The only Spyro Game for PS2 is Spyro Enter The Dragonfly. It is a DVD and a CD-R back up of that DVD takes 3 CD-Rs. So if you have a game for PS2 called Spyro 3, you are either well connected of you have a Playstaion game not a PS2 game which would fit an one CD-R. There is a Playstaion game called Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon. Either way, you need some type of modchip or there is a plastic knife trick, but its too tricky to recommend.
I do have a mod chip, the DVD Auto Chip. It's not "stealth". So, when I try to play Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon PS1 game on my ps2, it freezes because of the anti-mod protection (?).
Never heard of the DVD Auto chip, but there is an anti protection patch (actually 5 of them) for the game at this website /http://www.psxcopyworld.com/
So make a disc image of the Spyro game, apply the patch you need from the site above using ppf-o-matic, burn and then it will work.
Year of the dragon is ps1 i don't know why i missed this the 1st time round maby the ps2 comment threw me !? ...... you just need to read the game with clone cd with both sub channels ticked (read audio and data sub channels nothing else !) and burn with ( DO not repair sub channels) and close disk! :)

read and burn speeds are not an issue unless you feel the need to slow down !?


That will work eventhough there are "anti-mod" protections throughtout the game?


I tried patching the .bin file, but it didn't work. Thanks for your reply.
@melissa8 yes should work fine (mine does 100% and completed the game too ) ...ps1 protection is pretty crappy lybcrypt that lurks in the subchannel data hence the DO NOT REPAIR subchannels on burntime as this corrects the subchannels if left unticked and the disk fails :(

you should get a good copy if your burner supports subchannels as most recent burners do you should get no problems :)

In CloneCD where do I tick and untick settings? Should I use my Lite-on LTR-16102B CD-RW or my Pioneer A05 DVD-RW? I can't find the settings menu, though! Thanks so much!
The plain old Game CD profile should work fine for libcrypt protected psx with your Lite-on writer. Just make sure that you read and write at low speed.
I don't know about your modchip, but for me to play a PS1 on my PS2 with my Magic 3 modchip I have to hold in the reset button for a few seconds to put the PS2 in PS1 mode. Do other PS1 game backups play OK in your PS2?

Other PS1 backups play just fine. It's this darn Spyro 3!


I followed your instructions exactly. Got the same result. Game stops right after intro. I get a red circle with a line through it.

This is the NTSC version. I'm in the U.S., just in case you didn't know....

Any more ideas???

Thanks a million!

When you say you tried to patch the bin file and it didn't work, what didn't work? The patching process or is it that the patching went OK, but the patched game still gives the red circle when you try to play it?
my next question here is .... is this DVD auto chip a DVD MULTIREGION chip as well as a mod chip or just a DVD regional chip !? do other game backups work with no problems !?

my other question here is what BURNER are you using ?! and what cd rom are you reading the image file in with !?

i know these are pretty obvious questions here but as no one has asked them im asking them now :)
The ppf patch said my image/bin file was the incorrect size. Should I apply the patch anyway?

My modchip works with other games. The original of this Spyro 3 Collector's Edition, which is what I'm trying to back up, works fine. I boot it holding the reset until solid green. I've tried booting with blinking red also.

I've tried my Lite-on LTR-16102B and my Pioneer A05.
Here are the specs. on my modchip:
