Spyro 3 The Year of the Dragon

the info on that page says this >

- **Plays "protected" PS2 Games found on some EA Sports and other PS2 titles

**No patching required to play PS2 games

but then goes on to state

**A Gameshark2 Disk is required to play PS2 backups

so im gunna guess its not a fully compliant mod ?!

yep im not denying that this is a playstation one game but this may be the case with this collectors edition !?

So eventhough the original collector's edition WORKS, the backup will not?? Maybe I should look for an original version?? I do use a gameshark for ps2 backups.

i would assume its that way ?! have you tried the gameshark for this version of spyro !? may work may not !?

it will cost nothing but a few mins to test this :)

Sorry i cannot help you any more than this !?

Perhaps you can find an original release somewhere !? :)