I do a reformat and reinstall every 5-6 months religiously. Its
the best way to do a clean install. So you get 50 points for that one.
As for your format problem...some possibilities:
1) D/L the "DRIVE FITNESS TEST" (DFT v2.30)
Use it to test all your HD sectors. It does a more extensive test than M$ Scandisk. Your sectors are probably fine, but it never hurts.
2) Next time you format, use this same program to erase your boot sector and hard drive. This utility will LLF (low level format) your drive and wipe it completely clean. When you do a standard format, your files are still there. Just the file header is removed (just as if you deleted from trash). The data is still recoverable and could possibly cause your format program to detect this data as corrupt.
3) Instead of D/L your HPT-370 drivers from Highpoint, try
Highpoint drivers may well work, but they are not optimized
for individual motherboards. Abit's drivers are. I'm using driver 2.0.1019. However if Highpoint's driver v2.3 works, keep using it.
As they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
4) Corrupted drivers: Are you on dial-up? Sometimes on dial-up
connections you get corrupted downloads. Seems possible since
the file downloaded fine on your friends computer.