ONES (Optical New Edge Storage)

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ChickenMan said:
Two probs I've found with ONES so far when burning movie DVD's -

1. It doesnt burn the JACKET_P folder or any others that you want to include (only the VIDEO_TS and empty AUDIO_TS folders). :(

2. It hangs (and makes a coaster) when it finds a 0kb VOB file rather than give some prior warnings. :(
You can bypass the JACKET_P folder issue by picking a plain data DVD instead, although in that case you must be sure that your filenames comply to the videoDVD standards yourself... the prog will not correct anything.
The second one is a genuine bug (I can confirm it), which ought to be fixed.
ChickenMan said:
Two probs I've found with ONES so far when burning movie DVD's -

1. It doesnt burn the JACKET_P folder or any others that you want to include (only the VIDEO_TS and empty AUDIO_TS folders). :(

2. It hangs (and makes a coaster) when it finds a 0kb VOB file rather than give some prior warnings. :(
can you try DATA MASTERING MODE?!!
i dont any idea for JACKET picture but DATA MASTERING MODE (add video_ts add audio_ts in the data mastering mode...) works my standalone dvd player without problem..Good luck..
Yes, I can add the JACKET_P folder via the Data disk mode, no problems there. Its just strange then for the program to have 2 modes to burn a Video-DVD, either Record VIDEO_TS or Data Mastering. Selecting Data Mastering is not a logical choice if you want to burn a Video DVD, well, it not to me :D


ChickenMan said:
Yes, I can add the JACKET_P folder via the Data disk mode, no problems there. Its just strange then for the program to have 2 modes to burn a Video-DVD, either Record VIDEO_TS or Data Mastering. Selecting Data Mastering is not a logical choice if you want to burn a Video DVD, well, it not to me :D
MAybe you should contact them over this m8, might get corrected in next revision. You never know. :)
There might been a reason to have two separate modes while one could be more than enough: DVD-Video makes the two base folders by itself, keeps the filesystem locked to the DVd Video compatible one, and corrects all filenames to uppercase.
Of course nothing of the bunch is necessary for an experienced burner, but it can save a few coasterss for n00bs.
Data DVD with the correct settings shouls always work.
New version 2.0.285 is out
"This update correct the trouble concerning Quick Erase task with DVD+RW and NEC DVD recorders"
Seems they must have fixed more cause with this i can actually burn stuff ;)

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And the 0kb file problem is still there :( , damn, I must check my folders befor I attempt to burn in the future. Thats 3 coasters due to 0kb files.
do you send a e-mail for technical support to txdata?.you must send a e-mail for this bug...they are sending a answer..
"This update correct the trouble concerning Quick Erase task with DVD+RW and NEC DVD recorders "
i am not sure from this (changelog) :eek: .because ONES developer said same info for version 2.0.285(old version)...
New update ver Update version 2.0.290

This update correct :

# the trouble concerning Quick Erase task with DVD+RW and NEC DVD recorders.

# the trouble concerning burning a Video_TS directory with 0kb file.

So at last they finally fixed the 0kb bug, well I havent verified it yet :D Get it from normal source at
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