This is more than a simple warez site brothster, it is a fountain of knowladge, yes it does (or did) have great warez attached to it,so if you use it just for warez then i suppose your going to feel jaded about the new style.
I use this site as a base for nearly everything i look for on the internet,(warez,serials,crack,good sites, etc) so its still an awesome place for me to come.
The guys have worked hard to try and improve the site so to simply dismiss it as "crap" is a huge insult to the long hours and hard work the guys put in to bring you this site,not only did they work hard to improve the site they also work hard from month to month bringing you the best on the internet,the fact that you and others feel so strongly about the new style is a testiment to our great site,atleast you feel strong enough to get annoyed when its changed.
The fact that the site works so consistant and slick is all down mainly to N.B. who is always behind the scenes keeping things running smoothly,did you know he had to change IP's about 2 weeks ago because someone crashed the server we are hosted on?,N.B. had already sorted a new IP by the time i had got on here (and im never away to long) how is that for service and remember all this is brought to you FREE!!!! would you pay for such a great site? i know i would.
So please just take a moment to think about what you say before you just dismiss the site as "crap" just because one section has been axed.
Just for the record, yes i am a huge fan of this site and everyone connected to it(mods,admins and members)and it pisses me when people just dismiss all the hard work that goes into it.
(my 2 cents)