NERO EASTER EGG fun or what !??!? LOL

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pokopiko said:
You are wrong.
Nero together with its plugins (the useless mpeg one and the Mp3 pro one) and InCD retails for 105 $.
- VOB Instant CD/DVD has way more features, and costs LESS THAN HALF. The problem with it is that while till version 6.22 the prog was flawless, then they envied Nero's glory and stuffed the program with ridiculous bugs- more ridiculous than nero's or less?-- still open to debate.
- Roxio WinOnCD costs 5 $ less, is bloated as hell, but DOES offer some features that Nero cannot even imagine: Usable wave editor, a damn good mpeg encoder, the only working module for hybrid CD's you can find in a mastering suite...
IMHO also the new NTI 6 suite is preferrable to Nero, while costing half.

And yes, I also have a legal Nero retail serial, which I'd like to sell for one dollar, its likely that I will find some sucker (like me) someday.
I wonder why you think or why Nero is sooo expensive in the US, i saw it last week here in a Dutch shop (Holland), and it sold for €15 that is about US$ 13....and i guess at this price Nero is still 'emperor'! (just my 2 cents!!)
This is now turning into a "religious" or "political" debate in so much as we all have our beliefs and preferences in a particular ideal (or burning app!).
I can tolerate any belief as long as it is not shoved down my throat.
The bottom line is you pay your money (or not) and you takes your choice.
Nero is not the perfect burning application (far from it) but it is an ideal beginning on your road to burning heaven.
You may learn to love it or you may learn to hate it.
Either way it is the choice of the individual and no amount of sermonising or demonising will change that.

People have to find out for themselves.
I remember pokopiko before 2 -3 years ago i wanted to burn mp3 and i had to convert them to wave so i could burn them with win on cd
or i wanted to make a working copy for playstation with easy cd and of coursh could not :-(
But with Nero 499 you could do all of these :)
So i don´t know now how better are WinOnCd and Easy Cd but know that Nero is still the first with mp3 and WMA and MPEG1-2-DVD Encoder all in one!
And the most important buying a cdr recorder Nero is inclused so don´t have to worry if Nero is + or - 5$ but you have to worry if Nero is not inclused and you have a cdr recorder with Easy cd or WinOnCd :-(
ok i agree here i posted this as a HIDDEN EASTER EGG NOT as a full on debate of stuff religious or otherwise it was an easter egg hidden thang in nero !!?!

so thread closed now as its totally off topic ! :)
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