need well translation

Duracell said:
no, nevertheless i have a red (haired) head; :D

wow, Registered: Jan 2003, Post: 5 and instantly a Gold Member, you must done important things for our forum; So you are welcome Houman!

Greetings from

edit to Welcome back Houman!

Houman was here from the first few days the forum opened.He just recently signed up again.Think we need to fix his post count.;)
Denexo said:
How about that:
Over questions, which I cannot answer, I do not break myself the head.

Wow, what a bad translation. I literally laughed out loud. Take no offense Denexo, I know this isn't your personal translation.

I only speak English and the requisite amount of Spanish that got me through high school (which is very little). To speak 3 languages is impressive.
Wedge said:
To speak 3 languages is impressive.
Of course you do not mean me, because I do not speak 3 languages.
As I said, I speak perfect Greek, bad English and finally German so much I can communicate.