


hmm.. 47° is very good mate ... try to keep it under 60° and all will be fine ;)

yes. You said so yourself before that the HSF you are using is for 1 model lower than the chipset you got. Plus I don't know if you managed to get hands on Arctic Silver 3 or using no-name brand (as AS3 will reduce temps by 2-5 degrees compared to no-name brands).
But you are in an ok range.


Nope, haven't got Arctic Silver here.
Using the HSF own thermal paste.
Oh no!!! CPU gone up 48C @ full load :(
You are ok then. But be careful if you see the CPU at high levels and the heatsink not to be hot, because this will mean that there is something wrong with the heat thermoconductive paste. But for now you are ok (Mind also it is Summer and all temperatures are high enough in any system ;)).


cdorders said:
(Mind also it is Summer and all temperatures are high enough in any system ;)).
Winter here!!!
Gained 2-3C with casing opened :D
I think i'll let the casing open.
BTW, the HSF is kinda warm, neither too hot, nor too cold
I would consider perhaps finding a way for better air-flow within your case ZoZekool. Maybe stick in another fan sucking in cooler air from outside to the inside (place in strategic area (perhaps somewhere in middle of case near the CPU/HSF area.
This is 'cause casings help shield from electrical waves from & to your PC. (aluminum cases work best for this/as well as reducing heat, but all cases do help with shielding)


thx shadoe.
I have 3 fans. One on the HSF, one on the back chasis, one on the front chasis.
Ehm, the airflow direction isn't it warm air out??
I am considering drilling a hole on my casing, just like urs...
btw, how much does the arctic silver costs??


Hmmmmz, seems to me that your in deep sh!t, just like i am... :D
I'll have to find something to keep my cpu below 40C
Maybe liquid nitrogen :D ;)
ZoZekool said:
Hmmmmz, seems to me that your in deep sh!t, just like i am... :D
I'll have to find something to keep my cpu below 40C
Maybe liquid nitrogen :D ;)
liquid nitrogen

dont go that far try water first ;)

and you cpu isnt that hot
no it's not, but it's ok. Most memory modules aren't as bad as some would say. What factors in the most is how well they overclock (or handle when CPU is overclocked* 'cause it is affected by the FSB).
If you don't overclock, you will be fine & dandy. If you do decide to overclock, just move your FSB (multiplyer to be exact) to only 139 & vuala, you have turned your 1600+ into a 1700+ (but you will need better cooling & up your voltage core a little).
In anycase, your CPU temp is fine & Arctic Silver 3 costs only around $6 for a seringe enough for a few applications.
Follow these directions:


you only need a very thin layer (if too thick no good). I also take a little bit with some plastic glove or bag (whatever you have lying around) & rub a very very thin layer on/into the bottom of my HSF where it will make contact with the core. Rub it down till you have like nothing you can rub off the top. This will cover up any little inperfections your HSF has (little holes that 'cause air bubbles).