my oppinion (after work for 30 years in eletronic(prof),
and 42 years with music(hobby)(more than 50.000 musics)
listen music every day(tons of amplifiers,etc(don't matter))
play guitar then when i was 6 years old at now,
i can give my simple answer:
it's impossible a "perfect copy" means that you can
remaster you music and give better quality to that but
"not a perfect copy",don't matter what equipament you use:
every copy "seems perfect ,but not".
don't want to talk about noises of your font(power),motherboard,cdrom,cables,etc....etc.
my english is poor,ok?

and 42 years with music(hobby)(more than 50.000 musics)
listen music every day(tons of amplifiers,etc(don't matter))
play guitar then when i was 6 years old at now,
i can give my simple answer:
it's impossible a "perfect copy" means that you can
remaster you music and give better quality to that but
"not a perfect copy",don't matter what equipament you use:
every copy "seems perfect ,but not".
don't want to talk about noises of your font(power),motherboard,cdrom,cables,etc....etc.
my english is poor,ok?