Hmmm... decisions, decisions. Help.

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The Asus and the Pioneer ARE the same drive.
I think someone is talking about an ASUS cd-r/rw drive that can indeed copy Safedisk/2 Securom/2. This I know my Pioneer 104 dvd-r/rw cannot do. It cannot write regular efm codes required for safedisk to work without a "no cd" crack.
But who gives a SH*T? it's for burning films, and this it does admirably! I've burned over 100 films without problems other than crap media (Bulkpaq)
All films I've burned work on ALL my friends Sony/Panasonic stanalones and every dvd drive I've come accross.
Pioneer A04/104 is king.


100% agree ...but somebody still knows it better ... ;) I think also that SOMEBODY is talking about the CDR/RW drive... cause NOBODY would recommend a DVD RECORDER (8x speed CD REcording) for burning GAMES !!

thread closed .... nothing else to discuss

:cool: :cool:

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