It has been a nice thread, lots of information. Its good to see that the Pioneer and the Asus at the end apears to be the same drive. I have leave the order for the Pioneer, it is already in the aproval process by the company.
I don't think that a DVD-RW drive is a waste of money. Think about it: It is not only movies that you are going to record wit this baby, it is all that Gigas of INFO and DATA. I am tired of having to strip my backups for they fit on CD-Rs, and when I record my programs on cds. And the amount of video that you can have in these things (I remember all that I do some work with DV and this takes LOTS of space).
And about the games thing Shoebedobedoo: I own a LiteOn 24102b burner that can record almost everything that I throw on it, I think and for all the things that I have read, that this drive is from the best out there for backung up gammes. I am not sure how it goes with the new protections. I think there is a protection that NONE drive can defeat already, I don't remember the name but it apears with all the "skulls" in ClonyXXL when you insert this kind of disk, please if someone remembers the name, post it. And if the Pioneer and the Asus are effectively the same drive, then BOTH can copy the same stuff Shoebe, and if the Pioneer cannot copy something, then I doubt that the Asus can do it. Anyway, Asus is a great mark also, and it makes wonderful CD-RW too, so sure that the DVD-RW drive must be very good also. But I have had a Pioneer 106s DVD-ROM for some time and I love it. Slot bassed and can play all my games backed up with my Litey.
I didn't want to disturb the buy aproving process for the DVD-RW that already was on its way, as I told here, if I don't use the chance NOW it will ve very difficult to have ot later.