getting vinyl records onto a computer



for the earphones i go with AKG Monitor K240 (build 198x)

Perhaps we have to open a new section here ??

Hifi/Stereo/Surround ???

Whats your opinion ??

I know ..woody will kill me :D:D
HiFi Audio

Why not! It seems that lately the interest for converting old LPs
to CD is grooving and I think that getting good advices from people having worked with this for some time is extremly important in order to get the best result. Turntabels are today rare things but in every home there is a CD player.
As to quality, I'm now testing "Wave Restoration Bundle as plug-in to CoolEditPro 1.2a and it seems to be exactly what I have been looking for. As an old jazzfan, have played myself once, I am extremly sensitive to good quality and with this plug-in you can in real time hear the changes you make and decide what to accept.
Just a thought!!!!

I dont mine which proggy you got,but consider this like true>>somebody will correct me if im wrong???!!!!Sintrillium was something 2 years ago when made 1.2.Update 1.2a is ajoke of centyru....nothing was really fixed and that was only""update""in last 2 years.Its a audioeditor without realtime processing,and prewiev.You dont need more than this>>To do proper normalisation by David Younglove method,there is a 14 steps way>>You could die before you finish:) IT wasnt bad proggy then,but now????You should go with real multitrack like Steinberg,or for 2 track Sound Forge>>Started recently with Sound Forge and is working well so far:) Just my 2c$