Dual Layer Capable drives

woody said:
LOL!Yes,was referring to burning dual layer with the 812S@832S. :)

Well then I don't know if its safe as I bought an 832s and did not upgrade from 812s :) But I know a lot of people have done it successfully so it looks like on this forum you may have to be the second guinea pig, lol.
Check this out!

Even a 451S@832S appears to produce a quite acceptable DL result.
I also messed up slightly with my description before...
The -51S can't do 8x on -R, but with the hacked firmware, it DOES get 4x on -RW - it appears the only real hardware limitation of the 51S series, is the signal processor is not capable of 8x on -R
There are now a few faster DL writers.They write DL at 4X.See the list from my original post.

Thanks everyone!The poll is revealing the most popular dvd writers.


i am trying out this dual layer writer
Philips DVD+RW DVD8601

dvd decryptor and stripper work with it..but having problems writing with it..i was using dvd shrink with nero burning info but it doesnt apparently have the drivers to work for that drive b/c shrink doesnt list that drive as an option for burning

what is the best software out there for the dual layers atm
maelek said:
i was using dvd shrink with nero burning info but it doesnt apparently have the drivers to work for that drive b/c shrink doesnt list that drive as an option for burning
Nero supports your drive since version, go there for updating: http://www.ahead.de/en/nero-up.php

if you have already the lastest version installed and you can not choose the Philips as recorder, then this means your Nero serial came bundled with an other drive and is actually unusable with your Philips; so you have to buy a Upgrade serial number to get it working: https://secure.nero.com/en/secure.asp

Greetings from
I have a new Pioneer 108 and just bought 2 (last of the big spenders :D) Verbatim 2.4x DL media at the excessive price of AUS$12 each. Considering that SL 8x media is 80c each, I dont think the DL is 16 times better. Any way, I'm trying to find an original DVD9 that is absolutely full/the largest to test it out as I want to burn both layers to the max. Looks like some of the TV Eps DVD as very full. The Pioneer can burn these Verbatim's at 4x as well with unmodified f/w.
The Liteon SOHW-1213S looks like joining the ranks of DL-capable drives - a ripped and flashfixed version of the Sony DRU-710 firmware (Liteon 1633S rebrand) is doing the rounds - 16x on +R, still 8x on -R, and shock that it's only 2.4x on DL - everyone was expecting 4x - better to hold off for a while, and see if any early upgraders break their drives.
The DVD Decryptor and the stripper work with it,but there is a problems writing with it.I am using Shrink DVD with Nero burning info but it haven't presently have drivers to work for that drive B/C Shrink is not list that drive as an choice for burning.