I think I've designed a good security design for my computer (call me paranoid). I plan to use the following scheme:
- Sandbox (SSM)
- Software Firewall (Controling Outgoing Data, Allowing Incoming Data)
- NAT Router (Controlling Incoming Data, Allowing Outgoing Data)
- Software Proxy Filter (Proxomitron)
- Spyware Control (AdAware, SpyBotSD, SpySweeper & SpywareBlaster)
For those of you who don't fully undestand my firewall policy, I'll try to explain: the NAT router, by default, blocks all incoming connections who are not direct responses to outgoing connections made from my computer (the only exception is if you have a server - which I don't. In that case, you need to explicitly configure the router); as such, harmful connections are never made to my computer EXCEPT, if I have some spyware/virus connecting to the outside! Here enters the software firewall controlling the outgoing connections made from my computer; by default I allow all incoming traffic on this firewall, because I blindly believe that no unknown connections we're made from my computer and, as such, all incoming traffic is trusted.
The only thing lacking here, is what software firewall to choose? An application control firewall, or a packet control one? If I choose the application path, I know what applications are connected; on the other hand, a packet control firewall seems more efficient, because I only need a small set of rules (for example, many apps use HTTP to connect obtain updates and, instead of defining a rule that allows this type of data for every application, I define a simple rule that simply allows outgoing HTTP traffic).
I need your help here. Should I choose an application or packet control firewall? And what are the ondes you recommend for each approach?
At the moment, I'm trying Outpost, and I'me quite satisfied with it, but I want to have a high security environment as well as an efficient one.
Your opinion matters!