Choosing a firewall

I know I started this topic but, at my house (the firewall question was because of a friend, who has direct Internet connection) I use a NAT router to share Internet connection among all the other computers on the net.

My question now is: do I need to install a firewall in my computers? Doesn't NAT act like some of firewall. At least in the leaktest (at everything was ok.

Maybe I can use SSM in my computers and the NAT router as a firewall?
The NAT firewall/router will block incoming traffic, not outgoing. So if you get a virus/trojan that try to communicate with its home, it will be able.

Thats why its a good idea to have a firewall (+antivirus) and maybe a sandbox (like ssm) to protect your computer.

Your never to cautius :)


5 days now and still happy with SSM.

The only caveat, is that you must "teach" it. The first day or so you will be teaching it what to do... but it gets easier as once you teach it, it's set. However, you can save your config files to be used again if you need an OS reinstall. So my suggestion would be to save a config file every once in awhile. ;)
Does anyone else have problems shutting down/rebooting while SSM is running? I didn't have this problem before, but now shutting down takes forever or doesn't work at all. When SSM is not running all is back to normal.


I had the same problem BVV. For me it was a system process that was being stopped. The next time I booted up I looked in the log, noticed which program it was, and then set it as being O.K.

Alternatively, you could just turn off SSM before you shut down. ;)
This System Safety Monitor is very good. Within a few weeks time it intercepted two exe files that were put on my pc while surfing. I sent both to the makers of Antivir. They told me one was a trojan loader and the other a virus. Both were unknown to them. So, thank you very much to the maker of SSM! :D
nice 2 hear it.....u r tempting me BVV...perhaps the next time i make a clean os installation i will try zat method ;)
What's up with Kerio 4? DLMage and EAC are able to connect to the internet without any rules that allow this. :confused:
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to install this after all. Sygate wasn't any good either, because it has some problem with local proxies. What's left, "good" old Zonealarm? :eek: Anyhting else?
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Agnitum's Outpost is the way to go :)

It have some flaws, but not important ones. It is the best firewall I found. I've tryed ZoneAlarm, NIS and Sygate: Outpost is the one I prefer.
yeah using outpost here sure its not brilliant and its crashed on me once or twice but i think personally that was my fault but i got recommended to try it and its good so far :)
Yep, been using Outpost for a while now, not had any crashes, just a very occasional error message when the desktop loads sayin Erroe in starting Outpost, please send all logs (but there are none to send lol)

If U do try Outpost then look at this thread here at the Outpost forum :)

It tells U how to toughen up the configureation for this great firewall :)

BaNzI :D
Outpost is the best commercial firewall out there I think, but Look'N'Stop, if it works for you, is also very good (and very light on resources). Kerio 4 has gone build 16, and it's as annoying as ever... I could easily oversee the sad fact it now looks like Zone Alarm, but unfortunately it also behaves like Zone Alarm... :mad:
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General consensus! Now that really is uncommon for this forum. ;)
Thanks guys. I'll give that Outpost firewall a try.
Is that xp getting a new firewall??can it control incomong and outgoing too??Like for example if i got a eac installed,can i prohibit eac.exe from getting outside,or even choose which adress i can allow to go,and which one not??
zver said:
Is that xp getting a new firewall??can it control incomong and outgoing too??Like for example if i got a eac installed,can i prohibit eac.exe from getting outside,or even choose which adress i can allow to go,and which one not??
Yes you can... look above at the 2nd pic
The new security center (pop up blocker, new 2ways firewall) comes with SP2
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