AthlonXP 2600+ beating out the P4 2.53

I like the speed of the AMD but 1 thing i can't stand is the amount of heat it gives the end instead of buying XP-2200, i bought Intel P4-2GHz...
I'm actually quite happy with my xp1700+ and have yet to have any problems.

where i live the xp2400+ and xp2600+ are only being introduced now!

which is really a big problem for me. because as much as i have no problem with amd processors the pricing at the moment is a bit excessive. and xp2400+ tray cpu costs more than twice what an Intel Pentium 4 2.0GHz Northwood CPU costs...

So until processor pricing drops i'll have to stick with what i have!

My super-ninja-bastard-pc (about a year back !)

Lian-Li Aluminium ATX case w/300watt psu
XP 1700+ with coolermaster heatpipe
3 x 256MB PC133 DIMM (OEM branded)
Leadtek Geforce3 Ti200 64MB DDR AGP
Sony CRX195E1 CD-Writer
20GB Quantum IDE 5400RPM HDD
Creative Soundblaster Live!
ASUS A7A133 motherboard
40GB Maxtor IDE 7200RPM HDD
In addition to good mobo and memory, a good power supply is also a must.

Regarding AMD is buggy, not true. I have built 6 AMD systems. None have problems. If you are looking for a stable motherboard. Get the one with the nvidia nForce or Sis 745 chipsets. The nforce is the better chipset though because if its superb audio chip. But if your willing to wait, boards with the nVidia nforce2 and Sis 746FX chipsets should be available soon.