X-Ecuter newby question


I have my Xbox modded with the X-Ecuter. As with the instructions on the Goldberg site, I have loaded Evo 2594. This works ok (excellent instructions on this site btw!).

On this forum is an update of a newer Evo (2812). Can I just replace the default.xbe and the evox.ini files? Can I do this by burning them on a cdrw and copy them to the c drive of my xbox?

What name should the msdash.xbe be. I used the name as in the instructions of Goldberg.

I also want to install a bigger HD. There are on the net some different explanations on how to do this. Does anyone have the most simple way, so that a newby like me can do it without destroing my xbox?

Finally, should I use the Evox bios (2.5). Does this have advantages (which), and how do I do this?

Thanks very much in advance....

you only need the default.xbe renamed to xboxdash.xbe as usual
the rest of the files are the same as before. you can burn it to a cdrw but you would have to pad it first to fill the disk a bit, then copy with boxplorer.
the quickest would be to ftp into your box and copy the files this way. you`ll have to do this anyway if you are going to put a larger hd in .
the easyest way to install a bigger hd is to d/l the modified
evox boot disk that formats the new drive when its in the box,
no more messing with hd prep & formatting the partition.
but first back up the c: & e: drives of the original drive, so once you have done the above you can copy them them back ..
to your new drive..
dont worry about the evox 2.5 bios as you carnt use it
the executer (at the moment) isnt flashable.
and anyway imho the executer bios is one of the best at moment.
Hi captain1284,

Where can I download the Evox boot disk?

Is it really true that when I use this disk, I do not have to use HDPREP and so. It makes the partitions and formats them correct?
The only thing I must do afterwards is copy my backup to the new drive?

Hope to hear from you soon.
