Writing - but what a mess made 50% of time....

Its weird. All of a sudden after some excellent writing for me, my Lite-on 48x has started buggering up some disks. When the thing written is looked at, there seems to be gaps of no writing, and some of the rings of written stuff ar, well, not smooth is about the best I can think of putting it. Anyone know what may be causing it ? It does seem to happen when I'm burning the disks and am on the net with other things going on at the same time. But I've always done that with no problems. So why is it being a problem now, I wonder ? Odd. :confused:
It does seem to happen when I'm burning the disks and am on the net with other things going on at the same time. But I've always done that with no problems. So why is it being a problem now, I wonder ? Odd.

You answered your own question phil mate :)

Buffer under run no doubt !? even with BURN proof in most good burners you can still get a bad flow of data to the burners buffer if you are churning the hd at the same time as burning :(

you can soon run out of resources causing errors or problems :(

If you cannot resist the lure of our humble forum during burning then may i suggest buying or building another machine for the sole purpose of burning or a cheap old even a 486 for just plain surfing etc and share files with a network :)

this will take the strain of your burn system :)
VIPER_1069 said:
You answered your own question phil mate :):)
I would say so normally, but I'm always keeping too many windows open and until now, its never ever affected the burning. Still, done a few since, and they've been OK.

DMA is on, Roadworker, mate.
Some websites seem to have a bit of bad flash or java code (probably an advert) which pushes the CPU to 100%

If this only fouled up on one occasion, I bet one of these pests was eating too many CPU cycles.

Due to ACPI, I can't get sensible readings from most CPU monitors - the only thing that really works is WINTOP, but that's a bit of a brute to run normally - but I can usually feel the drop in response - and running that confirms it.