WinUAE v0.8.22R2

Best amiga emu goes even better:

New features:

- Kickstart 1.3 RDB and regular hardfile autoboot/automount support
KS 1.3 regular (non-RDB) HDF autoboot requires FastFileSystem from WB1.3:L in KS roms-directory
- keyboard/mouse/joystick handling rewritten for DirectInput
Windows keys are now 100% usable as an Amiga keys and SHIFT-keys don't get stuck anymore
- mouse speed configuration
- all keyboard keys (even special "multimedia keys") are available in input-tab configuration window
- configurable floppy drive type (3.5"DD/3.5"HD/A1010 5.25"SD)

Following features require Windows 2000 or Windows XP

- "unlimited" hardfile size (2G limit removed),
uaehf.device now supports TD64 and NSD -style 64-bit addressing
NTFS filesystem required for >4G hardfiles (FAT32 max file size is about 4G)
WARNING: Make sure installed AmigaOS is new enough (OS 3.9 recommended)
- ability to mount real harddisks with full RDB automount/autoboot support
- Amithlon partition support

Bugs fixed:

- Slow harddisk, CDROM, etc.. performance in non-CPU idle mode
- CPU idle tweaks, defaults to off, config file support
- disk emulation improvements
- added missing configuration file entries
- better compatibility with old config files
- 68000 "more compatible"-checkbox works again
- fixed uaehf.device crash with older HDToolBox versions
- custom chipset fixes (Chaos Engine AGA/CD32, Obliterator, Terrorpods etc..)
- GUI's screenshot-button was always disabled
- state file restore fixes (CPU type is automatically restored correctly and more)
- switch from fullscreen/no-vsync to vsync-mode crash fixed
- filesystem "ghost"-file bug fixed (but filesystem emulation still have some bugs left..)
- bsdsocket emulation compatibility fixes
- fixed serial and printer port defaults
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