Windows XP shutdown

When I shutdown Windows XP (Home full version)it takes a long time, it also does not shut the machine completely off.

When it does shut down what I get is a black screen and the XP Logo which states "Its safe to turn off your computer" I then hold in the button for 3-5 seconds and it then turns off.

This is a new machine with 2.2AMD Processor, 40gig Hard Drive, gforce 4 Graphics Card, 512DER Ram

Any help would be appreciated
My friend had that problem. All that he did - changed some options in the "power options" (control panel). sorry but I really dont know the options he changed, it was some time ago, but that helped - the PC turns off completely. So try to change some options and see if it works for you too,
Go to control panel
power options
power buttons(click da tick) to get the following options

Do nothing(huh)
Ask me what to do
stand by
or the one that you want
shut down, chose this option apply it and that should be it bud:)
found on the Net.

Shutting down/ Startup

There's quite a few things related to shutting down your system faster located in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

AutoEndTasks (set to 1) will automatically kill hung up programs for you. The next one is HungAppTimeout (make sure it's 5000). Next up is WaitToKillAppTimeout. Which should be set to 4000 (default is 20000).

Since we have the programs being killed after a certain amount of time you will also want to do the same for services. Change the WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 4000 as well.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop]
Diabolic What are the steps to get to: HKEY_CURRENT_ User?
I'm running Windows XP, in 98 I got to it System tools>System Information.
HKEY_CURRENT_ User is a folder in the registry..... to get to it press the start button and run and type regedit.... altho if ur not completely sure what ur doin dont mess with ur registry
if u don't feel like messing with ur reg. try downloading xptunup
this little prog. is a hand full of reg tweaks for xp and xp-pro
also give you step by step info on how to tweak the reg. just make sure u do a back up of the reg first.


If you get any more troubles with this check out this fine page:- /

Pretty much the best page on the web for all issues relating to XP shutdown problems, even M$ admit to that. :D
never mind lads and lasses..or should i say Mz and Mz's....just think of the fun when you install SP1.....
IF you haven't already..????
OOOOOPS!!!...seems like some have already :D
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