windows xp autoboot when closing programs!

Does anyone know why when I stop a program, such as a game, Feurio or other programs my computer reboots.
I uncheck that restarting (system properties/advanced/startup and recovery option) and see this information at the blue screen:


xxxSTOP: 0x0000000D1 (0xFP53BC95, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xFP53BC95)

xxxALCXWDM.SYS-adress FP53BC95 base at FP50800, DateStamp 3b5e2de2

I attached the minidump file detected once restarted windows

Operative system: windows xp pro 5.1 sp1 (build 2600)
Hardware: proc ->Athlon 1.3Ghtz
Main board -> Duron K7T266 pro2
DDR 256
Video card -> Nvidia Geforce 2 MX400

I installed windows xp twice and didn't fix the problem. Last thing was updating ndivia drivers and the problem is still getting me crazy.


The file, ALCXWDM.SYS, shows up on my system as "Avance AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM)" -- it is the sound driver for Avance built-in audio card on a lot of (AMD) motherboards. Mine is an Abit AT7-MAX2 board.
Try going into your bios and disabling the onboard sound and see if it still black-screens on you...