windows installer

I have tryed to uninstall a program using the control panel, but

I got a notice that says "windows installer is not working properly

and it is not possible to delete it.

I looked around and could´nt find how to resolve the problem.

Do I need to install windows xp again, or is there a way to fix

"windows installer" only?

I will appreciate any help.... thanks in advance.
at m$ download section there are 2 versions : one for windows

9x-me and other for windows nt-2000, but not for xp.

at least, I can not find it.

please help. thanks
there is now windows installer for winxp:
Windows XP contains Windows Installer 2.0 and therefore can't be installed or upgraded by this redistributable [means the instmsiw.exe windows installer 2.0 package].
so check if your windows installer service ( start -> run -> services.msc ) is running or can be started.
check the event log in the computer management too for more information on installation errors.