Windows Commander 5 question

Is there some kind of limit in Windows Commander for how large files/directories that can be showed? I have a folder with a lot of apps that is 18Gb and this folder is not visible in WC.

Strange problem. The folder that was not visible was named "Download".
I created a new folder called "Download 2" and moved all contents from "Download" to that folder. This new folder was visible even when 18Gb in size. Then I deleted the "Download" folder and renamed "Download 2" to "Download" and woops this solved the problem. But why I don´t know.

may i safely guess this DOWNLOAD folder was automatically created by some d'load manager like reget, mass downloader or by the one that i can't remember the name now ? if it is, the folder would be invisible after you uninstall that particular d'loader. also, if you had this d'load folder even b4 installing the d'load manager and this d'load manager used it to keep the d'loads, same thing should happen. if my assumption is true, this is not a problem created by win-commander.

it happened to me once. i made it visible through win-commander's config >> option >> display >> show hidden/system files and did what you have done.
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i never use windows explorer (don't even know many features of it). i use/like wc so much that i would buy it someday as poko & EAT suggests - only i do not have a credit card (availability ratio in bangladesh = 10,000+ : 1), overseas money transfer is also very difficult.
Thx for your suggestions but they don´t solve it for me. This "Download" folder has been on my system from the day I started it. I use it for archiving of my downloads and it has nothing to do with my download manager. I always download to my desktop and from there I decide where to put the files I take home.
Except for the size there is nothing special with this folder.

Hi M8. I´m running XP Pro.
And for some reason the folder is still there both in WC and Explorer...:) And it is still 18Gb+
