Why not nero?


New member
I've been using nero 5.5 for years and really like the ease and results of the program. I have read alot of negative comments about this program for burning legal backup ps2 games. I am in the process of getting a slide card and swap magic and would like to start making my own backups of my games. Why the negative reaction for nero? I have access to Primo DVD2 and have DVD Decrypter. Do you recommend these two programs over nero and why. Thanks :p
I have used quite a few burning programs, and personally I dont find Nero to be all that bad.

Of the 3 you listed I would place them as 1. PrimoDVD (or it's successor RecordNow Max) 2. DVD Decrypter 3. Nero

At the end of the day, if it works for you then continue with it :)
I've never used nero to do ps2 backups. I've used dvd decrypter which works some of the time but, using primo or recordnow has worked every time.


New member
Funny, I get more errors using recordnow max then i do with decryptor. and i use burn at once for DVD movies.

Kind off subject but very helpful to others:

For some reasion when burning a DVD movie using 1 large ISO for the image, my PS2 would have a real hard time booting it. It would load the movie maybe 3 out of 10 tries. Then i had a movie that i had to squeeze and use burn at once in file mode to write, with this method that movie would boot lightning fast everytime in my PS2. So i then backed up the trouble movie again that was burned with 1 large ISO image and burnt it with burn at once by writing the individual files (TS_VIDEO, TS_AUDIO ect..) and my result was perfect boots everytime, problem solved.

This may be a helpful post to other having boot problems with DVD movies in they're PS2.

Take it EZ
All my ps2 dvd/cd games copies I've made them with nero and they worked perfectly using slide card not any chip.