Why is my audio on dvd is out of time?


New member
just created a dvd with unlead dvd movie factory and every thing went great, it burned with no problems apart from one thing, the sound is ahead of the picture on some tracks on the dvd. why is this? how can i stop this in futre?


New member
grant_c2003 said:
just created a dvd with unlead dvd movie factory and every thing went great, it burned with no problems apart from one thing, the sound is ahead of the picture on some tracks on the dvd. why is this? how can i stop this in futre?

I had the same exact thing man. Use my TMPGenc TUTORIAL on how to fix that, it works 100%.
Out of sync audio seams to be a common problem with Movie Factory. Check out our Tutorial section on other ways of doing it.


New member
Okey I suppose you have the .AVI files or .MPG files and it dont matter how big they are, lets just say you have taped an episode of South Park from Television and its stored on your C Drive or whatever and u converted it to .AVI or .MPG, or you downloaded something "LEGAL" from a site. Okey, now you burned it to a dvd disc and when it plays after a while sound is not connecting with words spoken on the screen, out of sync.


Well start out "TMPGEnc" program and load the "file" you have (the movie w/e.)

Now go to "Options" then "Environmental Settings" and click on "VFAPI plug-in".

Now when your there you will see a list, do the following:

Set "DirectShow Multimeda File Reader" to priority "3" by Right-Clicking it and clicking "higher priority".

Set "AVI VFW compability Reader" to "2" by doing the same thing.

Set "AVI2(OpenDML) File Reader to "1" by doing the same thing.

The rest of the list set to "0" by doing the same thing but this time clicking on "lower priority" - easy huh.

Now if the audio is still going out of sync try to up the "DSMFR" to 4 but dont up it too much cause the program may "close" on you and give errors, best thing is what I posted try that, if that dont work try upping one set then maybe a little another, but never by too much, it may screw it up. But best thing is what I have posted.

it works 100%.


New member
ater doind all that will i have to recode all the files using tmpgenc? or can i just change them in the options and then burn it again?


New member
grant_c2003 said:
ater doind all that will i have to recode all the files using tmpgenc? or can i just change them in the options and then burn it again?

if all Ur vidoes or video is getting out of sync U shoudl use TMPGEnce to encode all of them with the OPTIONS I Posted Above U..

AFTER U are done with that use MOvie Factory or w/e PROGRAM UR Using to make DVD FOLDER then just BURN it to DVD,takes some tiem i know.