WHICH is the best software

Hi guys and Gals.
I have just installed my ALL new A-04 burner and 106-s reader ( both OEM ) so i`m now looking to back up ALL my DVD PS2 games ...... so i was wondering which is the BEST ;) software for the job ?? and of course what make and type of disc should i use here in the UK ??.Thanx in advance to ALL who post a reply to this thread ALL help is greatly appreciated since the cost of DVDr is not cheap i would like to get as few coasters as poss :D .Also any comemts on the KIT i`v just bought be nice ....... ;) .
Best regards to you ALL
Thanx for your reply but if you read my post you will see that i mention PS2 games........maybe i did not make my reguirements that clear ....... What is the BEST software for backing up DVD PS2 games that goes well with my A-04 ????? and what are the best discs to use ?????.I have on my system CDRWin 3.8g for data and i have discjuggler v4 which i find is very good for audio cds and i have also just this min installed Recordnowmax v4which does DVDr i will be trying that later this afternoon ......... i`ll be back later i`m off to the comp fair to get my PS2 fitted with the latest MESSIAH ....... YEsssssss...
