which DL burner

I recon you would have to be crazy to get one right now. Its all new technology (never works first time :D), there is no guarentee of DVD Player playback and the cost of the blanks are outragous. But hey... some people have to be first, it just wont be me.
First I'm moving your thread to the right place. Second please take the time to post in the right section. :) Also you will find a thread on this already and may find the answer is no. But you can read a little about it in this thread. :)


New member
The old saying, "No guts, no glory." The drives are cheap, $98 newegg. Supposedly the problem with burning DVD-ROM with media is supposed to be solved. Have to see some testing. Ritek to mass procuce media mid July, so a little wait and we'll all find out.
sanjose696 said:
Supposedly the problem with burning DVD-ROM with media is supposed to be solved. Have to see some testing. Ritek to mass procuce media mid July, so a little wait and we'll all find out.
The key words there are "supposedly" and "supposed". Until proven, I'll just keep my $ in my back pocket and wait a little before I make the move, if ever. Besides, just to copy the whole DVD9 to HD with DVD Decrypter, then burning to a dvdr DL blank with Nero doesnt quite thrill me, there are now no challenges so why bother?
The other question, how long before DL speeds rise?
Expensive media, working at 2.4x speed - hardly an attractive proposition, and if the drives won't be able to handle 4x DL (it's got to come) then you'll be left with the equivalent of an old 2x drive.

The only saving grace for DL, is the drives are tending to be not much dearer than than SL were, though the price of non-DL drives is now significantly depressed.

A choice between a DL model and a non DL, or a firmware hackable one, or a really top rate drive with no firmware hack - tough decision.

Every "future-proof" thing I've bought, has been rendered obsolete by the next generation by the time I'm thinking of an upgrade, and the same may be true of DL - if the media speeds rise by the time it gets to a sensible price, and current drives are unable to go higher, then you're faced with using DL at MISERABLE speed, or just forgetting that the drive is DL capable.

The speed race on single layer, looks like ending at 16x - and at the moment, even the price/burn quality of 8x media is a poor compromise - unless you demand speed over all else.
ChickenMan said:
there are now no challenges so why bother?

Sure about that,buddy?
Now that dual layer burning is a fact,I expect that the next move of the Movie business is adopting a new protection scheme....a few years ago,they thought they were pretty safe with Macrovision,regiolock and the limited 4.37 GB capacity.InstantCopy,CloneDvd,DvdXcopy and similar programs proved they were wrong,but the quality of the backups still wasn't 100%.
Now with dual layer coming up,they don't have to fear those programs anymore,but the 100% quality backup is reachable for everyone.... :eek: :D


New member
I have one of those clients I build systems for where cost isn't much of an option. I got him what I think is a good price for a LiteOn DL, $98 US newegg.com, and it's just a wait for the media now. This is nice for me as I have no out of the pocket expenses and get to check out some new stuff.

Anyone have any ideas on media? I've heard good about Ritek and they will be mass producing middle of July.
sanjose696 said:
Anyone have any ideas on media? I've heard good about Ritek and they will be mass producing middle of July.
Just keep on hearing, and keep us informed! :p
Currently you can buy a DVDR-9 burner with the money needed for five blanks, so I'd rather not grab the "bargain"- yet...