What do you want for Christmas?

I got my pressie early with permission from 'er inside.
Found a brand new 19" flat screen monitor for £129.00 and it suits me sir.
I never new what the difference would be, it's magic.
Yep I'm hoping for a A05 DVD burner but I think its more likely for my birthday ! Arr well ... probably the normal socks, undies trick this year while the kids get spoilt rotten !

Chopped a weed tree down today (a Pine Tree) and the kids decorated it, so we are all set ! Lights flashing, the works. The next 3 weeks are goinfg to be hell at home. :D
hmmmmmmm oh one of those er three of them and oh and at least four of the other and oh yeah chocolate , crisps and beer and xmas pud with custard :)

last but not least mince pies :)
Shavingings from the admins' halos now this place has gone legal :D :) :D

Failing that maybe some blank DVD-Rs but I expect I'll get the usual socks & smellies.
Most of all a new wife without the mother-inlaw LOL
Joking dear.....
Audi TT sports car even an old fart like mi can dream.:D :D

Most of all the world to Make Love and not War!

