Webcam not working on Laptop


New member
I have not used it in quite a while. Now when I try and use it, the webcam does not show up in Device Manager. If I bring up Windows Live Messenger > Tools > Audio Video setup, it states that no webcam is installed.

I have tried reinstalling the latest webcam driver, resetting bios to the default values, using System Restore to restore the original driver, and I have reinstalled the latest bios. None of these actions had any affect.

Is there anything that would cause it to be disabled? Why doesn't my laptop find the webcam/webcam driver?
Can you load the webcam drivers back again. Resetting bios does not effect in getting back drivers. Mostly you can check whether your webcam is installed correctly or not, by going to my computer > right click properties > device manager and you can check your webcam is installed correctly or not. Your laptop does not accept your webcam as it has been checked as malfunctioned. Instead removing it from registry, and install again would solve the issue.


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