Bored off my head of running out of resouces i decided to find a small mp3 player that has a small footprint and small resouces use 
and i found one in the form of 1by1 freeware player
looks like this>
info >>>>>>
1by1 - The Directory Player
Version 1.36, updated: 2003-05-05
No nags, no ads, no spyware!
Very smart size!
Handy ZIP archives, no installer!
No VB/VC runtime libs required!
No usage of the Registry - settings stored in local dirs!
Also has built in Audio enhancer with effects
see pic >
size is 57k and thats unpacked too
get 1by1 <a href="">Here</a>
a required dll may be needed also called mpglib.dll for
Decoding library for MPEG Layer III and Layer II.
get the dll <a href="">Here</a>
A Winamp 1by1 dsp plugin also available :-(Compressor & Wider 1.1) for Winamp
It is a Winamp DSP plugin of 1by1's audio enhancer (Winamp "Pimp"-Installer)
get it <a href="">Here</a>
the 1by1 is a great little player
and i found one in the form of 1by1 freeware player
looks like this>

info >>>>>>
1by1 - The Directory Player
Version 1.36, updated: 2003-05-05
No nags, no ads, no spyware!
Very smart size!
Handy ZIP archives, no installer!
No VB/VC runtime libs required!
No usage of the Registry - settings stored in local dirs!
Also has built in Audio enhancer with effects
see pic >

size is 57k and thats unpacked too
get 1by1 <a href="">Here</a>
a required dll may be needed also called mpglib.dll for
Decoding library for MPEG Layer III and Layer II.
get the dll <a href="">Here</a>
A Winamp 1by1 dsp plugin also available :-(Compressor & Wider 1.1) for Winamp
It is a Winamp DSP plugin of 1by1's audio enhancer (Winamp "Pimp"-Installer)
get it <a href="">Here</a>
the 1by1 is a great little player