allright I will try to translate it ;o))
Oki doki here we go
How to burn 5 SVCD/VCD (800MB = 4GB) on one DVD-R without reencoding anything *vobs with 44 Hz Audio*:
1. Read out all the svcds/vcds to mpeg using VCDGear 3.5
2. Demultiplex all your mpeg using TMPG, so that you extract all the audio & video streams from each mpeg
>Mpeg-Tools->Simple Demultiplex
3. Make a seperate folder for every mpeg CD
like CD1, CD2, CD3 ...
4. now tart IfoEdit->Author NEW DVD
join the two files together cd1.mpv &. cd1.mpa
5. join the chapters like this:
make a file called Celltimes.txt *use wordpad - the contant of the files looks like this (just copy this stuff into the celltimes.txt):
save this file & open it with IfoEdit under Scene changes/chapters.
now just select the destination - for part1 CD1.
(after IfoEdit is done, close it and open it again and proceed to the 2nd mpv/mpa .... and so on and on until you are done with all your svcds/vcds ;o))
6. Now we have as many VOB files as many mpeg files we had before, but now they are already vob files
7. Now make a folder called *guess what

8. Now copy/move every vob file you have created into the
VIDEO_TS folder *but before you do that rename the files
like this*
and on and on until you have all your vobs, but be careful IfoEdit only goes from vts01-1.vob -> vts01_9.vob
*personally I can't confirm this as I have never tried more than 7 vobs until now

9. IfoEdit->Create IFO
selecht the first vob file you have created "vts01_1.vob" all the others will be proceeded automaticly
(close IfoEdit again)
we are almost done now
10. Open IfoEdit & open vts01_0.ifo & now use the button Get VTS !
(close IfoEdit)
11. Open IfoEdit again & this time open the Video_ts.ifo.
You can see now the two film roles (attribute for the film)
klick twice on them and select "Automatic Letterboxed" - don't change anything else !!! Just save it for the last time
A N D Y O U A R E D O N E !!!
12. Burn the files with your favorite burn tool *I have used Nero for burning and it works like a charm with this method ;o))*
Just put the VIDEO_TS path on your DVD und you can leave out the AUDIO_TS *as you don't need it anyway*. Happy burning
Happy SVCD/VCD on DVDR with chapters
& thanks to Icewaere for his great guide in German