UT2003 - Impossible for 1:1 at present *but this isn't*


Like many of you guyz/galz, I've wasted enough blank CD's on UT2003, I don't even play games...I'm trying to create a backup for my son who tends to leave his CD's on the floor and they get scratched.

Well I've given up at this stage for a 1:1 copy, it seems almost impossible at present, so I've done the next best thing.

I've used WinIso v5.3 to create an .ISO image of the 3 CD's:

CD 1
1. Renamed System\UT2003.exe -> UT2003 Original.exe
2. Injected the cracked UT2003.exe NO-CD into .ISO and saved
3. Burnt cracked CD1 .ISO

CD's 2 & 3
1. Burnt .ISO's to CD

Installs and plays like a peach, sweet and juicy.

It hurt me doing it this way, but it works 100%.

P.S. I also noticed that using CloneCD to try to create 1:1 CD, these CD's sometimes gave a CRC error, puzzling.

Cheerz :eek: :confused: :rolleyes: