usb based Cable internet in Linux?

is this possible?

i just installed mardake 9. it's so sweet. even my dodgy sound card is picked up and configured automatically no problem.

but for the life of me i can't get internet access with my usb cable modem.

is it possible?

thanks in advance.
I don't know about linux but I do know in windows USB cable modems are slower and have nothing but headaches. IMHO I would say if you have the pci slot get a nic card. Good luck

thanks for the replies.

no complications yet.

my usb modem has so far been a pure pleasure to use. v fast. wow - if pci versions are even faster.

it is a motorolla surfboard (sb4101).

any help getting it to run with linux (mandrake 9) would be very appreciated.

Did you get a CD with drivers on it. I think there is a driver for Linux on it. Also read this information.


thank you so much. I'm going to check out the sypplied link now.

will update on success/ lack of success (never failure :) )