Updated to vB 4.0.3


Staff member
and I also just changed the default theme, comments welcome :)

I know, twitter and facebook links are dead, I wonder if we gonna remove them or use them ...
I think I need some time to get used to it,but it sure looks trendy!
Dunno if it's @ my end only,but both FF and IE8 don't display this "magnetic" theme very well.....the last part of a post is covered with the beginning of the next post in a way that some tools @ the bottom of a post are only partially visible....the default style hasn't this problem.

Edit:Have to check my settings......as guest,everything is displayed properly :confused:
when logged in,I have this problem..... :confused:
wow,looks cool and nice with ie8 here:)
btw this magnetic look is much better then default.
Dunno if it's @ my end only,but both FF and IE8 don't display this "magnetic" theme very well.....the last part of a post is covered with the beginning of the next post in a way that some tools @ the bottom of a post are only partially visible....the default style hasn't this problem.

Edit:Have to check my settings......as guest,everything is displayed properly :confused:
when logged in,I have this problem..... :confused:
Have to change my display settings to the maximum supported by my monitor,to view the full post when I'm logged in.......computers are fun...:D