celtic_druid said:
Looks more like an AVI to DVD tute to me, if not then shouldn't it include details on how to convert DivX OGM's, MKV's and MP4's?
I've done a number of OGM to DVD transfers. They are exactly the same to do, but you have to complete a step before starting Chickenman's tute. First, you need to use GraphEdit and remux them into an AVI. To do this:
1) Start GraphEdit
2) Select File : Render Media File
3) Select your movie file
4) Delete everything in the video stream after the OGM splitter box
5) Delete everything in the audio stream after the OGG decoder
6) Push the toolbar button with the blue square. Browse to Dircetshow Filters : AVI Mux. Add it. Browse to Directshow Filters : File Writer. Select it and supply an AVI filename.
7) Take the output from the OGM Splitter node 1, and connect it to the AVI Mux node 1. Take the output from the OGG decoder and connect it to the AVI Mux node 2. Connect the AVI Mux output to the Filewriter. Press the green play button. Wait til it goes grey (it takes a while).
8) Close GraphEdit.
9) Open VirtualDub. Open the AVI you just made. Select File : Save WAV. Supply a name. Wait. This will save off the audio, but it will be in a funky format. You need to fix it.
10) Open GoldWave. Select the WAV you just made. Select File : Save As. Supply a name, and use WAV, 16 bit signed as the type. Press OK. Wait. Close GoldWave.
11) At this point, you've got a good vid file in the AVI. You've got a good audio in the file you just made in GoldWave. You can either use separate files from here, or you can re-mux them and then just use ChickenMan's tute as is.
Questions? Just ask!