UK porno surfing

News just had it MS is starting up Internet toilets in the UK. REALLY! On the TV news.

I forgot the Emglish name for them.

I guess if you surf porn THAT is the place but then who wants to use it AFTER you?

Must be MOST porno surfing is from the UK?
Ahem:)Don't know what Ur talking about ChiMusic:p

Over here we don't need them, we just pick up the phone & call Pam & her Five Sisters:)

Seriously though, does any 1 have any ideas on how 2 block porn mail?

I seem 2 get bombarded with it, even though i have never signed up 4 it.I have tried blocking the sender, but they always come from different address:(

Mind U 2 days 1 did make me smile, it was hot horny momma's

Help I Don't Wnat 2 Be Corrupted By This Filth:)


PS if the above news story is true, then George MIchael will be a very happy man:):p