Tweak XP 1.34 Fixed exe.Saying CORRUPT LICENCE FILE

I Tried to install Tweak XP 1.34 using the DARKSIDE

Fixed EXE posted on the forum onto the familys second

computer running XP.. i Have been running Tweak XP

version 1.32 on both machines using the CORE Keyfile

Maker with no problem. I then about a week ago installed

v1.34 on one machine after checking in the windows

folder to delete the TXP-***.ini file... Then installed

V1.34 and copyied fixed exe.. worked Fine..

Tried to do the same with the second machine

but when program is run up and a few options are

Clicked on a message says CORRUPT LICENCE FILE

I then installed version 1.33 with a fixed exe and that

worked fine.. Does anyone Know where in the registry

the hidden Markers are planted on version 1.34..

I have a workaround for version 1.32 which tells you

what to delete in the registry but on v1.34 these

locations must have been changed..


This may not be very helpful but I'd go back to 1.32. This program has new versions regularly but the only changes are to defeat the most recent crack so 1.34 offers no more features than 1.32.
Tweak XP Help

Thank you very much for your advise i have done a

search and will give the work around a try to clear

the registry .....

Update on 4.7.02 Registry workaroud did not Work

Any Other Ideas

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