Try to use a complete mail server...


I'd like to use an old computer (P166, 80 Mb RAM, 2 Gb HD) as a mail server for a couple of friends. Is this computer enought?? Don't care about anything graphics so no X.

I tryed slackware, and it installed and seems ok. I didn't tryed sendmail, but it was running.

I would like to use IMAP on this computer for simplification for my friends. But I don't think there is a server installed as default. What do I need for this?

I saw a package on the cd, used pkgtool to "install" it, but notghing else happens... What do I need to do for this??

thank you very much!
Since I didn't know how to set up a imap server with slackware and didn't find any info on this, I found another distro called "SME Server v6.0.1" from

This is a mail server distro, exactly what I was looking for :)
I have another question...

I'd like to serve some files withing my organisation. What should be the simplest method for this? Maybe a forum? I'm trying Invision right now...Or a plain http:// directory?

My mail server is working nice, BUT...

My ISP is blocking port 25!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing I can do with port 25 is connect to my isp's smtp server... I cannot reveice mail at I can send emails thrue my isp's smtp server.

Anyone having a workaround for this???? Something free if possible... I don't want to send emails (and spam) I just want to RECEIVE emails!!! :D

thank you